Solving the Mysterious Case of Antd Charts Behaving Differently in NextJS
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Solving the Mysterious Case of Antd Charts Behaving Differently in NextJS

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Are you tired of wrestling with Antd Charts in your NextJS application? Do you find yourself wondering why they’re behaving differently than expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the common issues and provide step-by-step solutions to get your charts up and running smoothly.

The Problem: Antd Charts Not Cooperating in NextJS

Antd Charts is a popular library for creating beautiful, interactive charts in React applications. However, when integrating it with NextJS, many developers encounter unexpected behavior. Charts may not render correctly, or they might not respond to user interactions as intended. Don’t worry, we’re about to crack the code!

Understanding the Root Causes

To fix the issues, it’s essential to understand why Antd Charts behaves differently in NextJS. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): NextJS uses SSR to pre-render pages on the server. This can cause issues with Antd Charts, which relies on client-side rendering.
  • React Hooks and Context API: Antd Charts uses React Hooks and Context API to manage state and props. In NextJS, these can conflict with the built-in React implementation.
  • Static Site Generation (SSG): When using SSG in NextJS, Antd Charts may not work as expected due to the absence of a real DOM.

Solution 1: Disable Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for Antd Charts

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const ChartPage = dynamic(() => import('../charts/ChartPage'), {
  ssr: false,

export default ChartPage;

This will render the ChartPage component on the client-side, bypassing SSR and ensuring that Antd Charts works correctly.

Solution 2: Use the `-chart` Component from Antd Charts

import { Chart } from 'antd-chart';

const MyChart = () => {
  return (
        { x: 'Mon', y: 10 },
        { x: 'Tue', y: 20 },
        { x: 'Wed', y: 30 },

This example uses the `Chart` component to render a line chart with sample data. By using this component, you can avoid potential conflicts with React Hooks and Context API.

Solution 3: Use a Custom `chart` Component with NextJS’s `dynamic` Hook

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { Chart as AntdChart } from 'antd-chart';

const Chart = dynamic(() => import('./Chart'), {
  loading: () => <p>Loading chart...</p>,

const MyChart = () => {
  return (
        { x: 'Mon', y: 10 },
        { x: 'Tue', y: 20 },
        { x: 'Wed', y: 30 },

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Issue Solution
Charts not rendering on page load Ensure that the chart component is wrapped in a div with a unique ID, and that the chart data is being passed correctly.
Charts not responding to user interactions Verify that the chart component is being rendered on the client-side, and that you’ve disabled SSR for the page. Also, ensure that the chart data is being updated correctly.
Charts displaying incorrectly in production Check that you’ve correctly configured Antd Charts in your NextJS project, and that you’re using the correct versions of Antd Charts and NextJS. Also, ensure that you’ve followed the solutions above.


Further Reading

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Antd Charts is behaving diff in nextjs” using a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Antd Charts and Nextjs integration woes!

Why is Antd Charts not rendering correctly in my Nextjs app?

This might be due to Antd Charts relying on the DOM being fully loaded, which can cause issues in a server-side rendered (SSR) environment like Nextjs. To fix this, try wrapping your chart component in a `useEffect` hook to ensure the chart is rendered after the DOM has finished loading.

I’ve tried the `useEffect` hook, but my Antd Charts are still not displaying correctly. What’s going on?

This could be due to a conflict between Antd Charts’ styles and Nextjs’ built-in styling. Try adding ` styledComponents: true` to your `next.config.js` file to allow Antd Charts to take precedence over Nextjs’ styles.

How can I optimize Antd Charts performance in my Nextjs app?

To optimize performance, try using the `React.memo` hook to memoize your chart component, reducing unnecessary re-renders. Additionally, consider using a library like `react-lazy-load` to lazy-load your charts, reducing initial page load times.

Can I use Antd Charts with Nextjs’ internationalization (i18n) feature?

Yes! Antd Charts supports internationalization out of the box. You can use Nextjs’ built-in i18n features to switch between languages, and Antd Charts will automatically adapt to the new language.

Where can I find more resources on using Antd Charts with Nextjs?

Check out the official Antd Charts documentation, as well as Nextjs’ examples and tutorials on using external libraries like Antd Charts. You can also search for community-created tutorials and examples on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow.