The Art of Finding the Lowest Price Since a Given High and the Highest Price Since a Given Low
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The Art of Finding the Lowest Price Since a Given High and the Highest Price Since a Given Low

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Welcome to the world of price discovery! As a trader, investor, or simply a market enthusiast, you’re likely familiar with the thrill of the hunt for the best deals. In this article, we’ll dive into the strategies and techniques for finding the lowest price since a given high, and the highest price since a given low. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey to master the art of price extremes!

Understanding the Concept

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what we’re trying to achieve. The concept is simple: we want to find the lowest price since a given high, and the highest price since a given low. This means identifying the highest peak and lowest trough of a particular market or asset within a specified time frame.

Why is this Important?

Knowing the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low can be a powerful tool in your trading arsenal. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Finding support and resistance levels: By identifying the highest price since a given low, you can pinpoint potential resistance levels, while the lowest price since a given high can reveal support levels.
  • Identifying trends: When you know the highest and lowest prices since a given high and low, you can better understand the trend and make more informed trading decisions.
  • Setting stop-losses and take-profits: Accurate stop-losses and take-profits rely on knowing the highest and lowest prices since a given high and low.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Lowest Price Since a Given High and the Highest Price Since a Given Low

Now that we understand the concept, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of finding the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low.

Step 1: Define Your Time Frame

Choose a specific time frame for your analysis. This could be intraday, daily, weekly, or monthly – whatever suits your trading strategy.

// Example code in Python using Pandas
import pandas as pd

# Define your time frame (e.g., daily)
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col='Date', parse_dates=['Date'])

Step 2: Identify the Given High and Low

Choose a specific high and low point within your defined time frame. This could be a recent peak or trough, or a historical high or low.

// Example code in Python using Pandas
given_high = df['Close'].max()
given_low = df['Close'].min()

Step 3: Find the Lowest Price Since the Given High

Using your defined time frame and given high, find the lowest price since the given high.

// Example code in Python using Pandas
lowest_since_high = df[df['Close'] < given_high].min()

Step 4: Find the Highest Price Since the Given Low

Using your defined time frame and given low, find the highest price since the given low.

// Example code in Python using Pandas
highest_since_low = df[df['Close'] > given_low].max()

Real-World Examples and Applications

Let’s put our newfound knowledge to the test! Here are a few real-world examples and applications of finding the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low:

Example 1: Identifying Support and Resistance Levels

Suppose we’re analyzing the daily chart of a popular stock, and we want to identify support and resistance levels. We define our time frame as the past 6 months and identify the given high and low points.

Time Frame Given High Given Low
Past 6 months $50.00 $40.00

Using our step-by-step guide, we find the lowest price since the given high ($45.50) and the highest price since the given low ($47.25). These levels can serve as potential support and resistance levels for our trading decisions.

Example 2: Setting Stop-Losses and Take-Profits

Suppose we’re trading a currency pair and want to set stop-losses and take-profits based on the highest price since a given low and the lowest price since a given high.

Currency Pair Given Low Given High
EUR/USD 1.1000 1.1500

Using our step-by-step guide, we find the highest price since the given low (1.1300) and the lowest price since the given high (1.1200). We can set our stop-loss at 1.1250 and our take-profit at 1.1350, based on these levels.


Finding the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low is a powerful technique for traders, investors, and market enthusiasts. By following our step-by-step guide and understanding the concept, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of price extremes. Remember to stay flexible, adapt to changing market conditions, and always keep a watchful eye on those price extremes!

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, check out these additional resources:

Final Thoughts

As you continue to refine your skills in finding the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low, remember to stay curious, stay informed, and always keep learning. Happy trading, and may the price extremes be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on trying to get the lowest price since a given high, and the highest price since a given low!

What is the concept of getting the lowest price since a given high?

The concept of getting the lowest price since a given high refers to finding the lowest price point of an asset or security since it reached a certain high point. This strategy is often used by traders and investors to identify potential buying opportunities or to set stop-loss levels.

Why is it important to find the highest price since a given low?

Finding the highest price since a given low is crucial because it helps traders and investors identify potential selling opportunities or to set take-profit levels. It’s a key indicator of an asset’s strength and can help predict future price movements.

How do I calculate the lowest price since a given high?

To calculate the lowest price since a given high, you’ll need to identify the high point and then look for the lowest price point since that high was reached. You can use charts and technical analysis tools to help you identify the high and low points.

What are some common uses of finding the highest price since a given low?

Finding the highest price since a given low is commonly used in trading and investing strategies such as identifying breakout points, setting trailing stops, and determining profit targets. It’s also used in technical analysis to identify patterns and trends.

Can I use this concept in other markets beyond stocks?

Yes, the concept of finding the lowest price since a given high and the highest price since a given low can be applied to various markets beyond stocks, including forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. The principles remain the same, but the application may vary depending on the market and asset.

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