Firebase’s Firestore Nightmare: Document Not Found Despite Read Permissions
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Firebase’s Firestore Nightmare: Document Not Found Despite Read Permissions

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Firebase’s Firestore is an amazing NoSQL cloud database that offers seamless integration with your application. However, like any other technology, it’s not immune to errors. One of the most frustrating errors you may encounter is the “Document Not Found” error, despite having read permissions. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Firestore and explore the possible reasons behind this error, along with step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

What is the “Document Not Found” Error?

The “Document Not Found” error typically occurs when your application tries to access a document that doesn’t exist in the Firestore database, or when the document exists, but the security rules prevent your application from accessing it. This error can be misleading, especially when you’re certain that the document exists and you have the necessary read permissions.

Possible Reasons Behind the Error

Beneath the surface, there could be several reasons why you’re encountering the “Document Not Found” error, despite having read permissions. Let’s explore some of the most common culprits:

  • Incorrect Document Path

    Double-check that you’re using the correct document path in your Firestore query. A single typo or incorrect collection reference can lead to the “Document Not Found” error.

  • Security Rules Misconfiguration

    Firestore security rules can be tricky to configure. Make sure that your security rules allow read access to the document or collection you’re trying to access. A single misconfigured rule can prevent your application from accessing the document.

  • Document Doesn’t Exist

    Sometimes, the document simply doesn’t exist in the Firestore database. This can happen if you’re trying to access a document that was deleted or never created in the first place.

  • Network Connection Issues

    A poor network connection or intermittent connectivity can cause the Firestore SDK to return a “Document Not Found” error, even if the document exists and you have read permissions.

  • Firestore SDK Version Issues

    Using an outdated Firestore SDK version can lead to unexpected errors, including the “Document Not Found” error. Ensure that you’re using the latest SDK version compatible with your application.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the possible reasons behind the “Document Not Found” error, let’s walk through some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Verify the Document Path

    Use the Firebase console or the Firebase CLI to verify that the document exists and you’re using the correct document path. You can use the following command to retrieve a document using the Firebase CLI:

    firebase firestore:get YOUR_COLLECTION/YOUR_DOCUMENT

  2. Check Security Rules

    Review your Firestore security rules to ensure that they allow read access to the document or collection. You can use the Firebase console to edit your security rules:

    rules_version = '2';
    service cloud.firestore {
      match /databases/{database}/documents {
        match /YOUR_COLLECTION/{document} {
          allow read: if request.auth != null;
  3. Verify Network Connection

    Check your network connection and ensure that it’s stable and working correctly. Try pinging the Firestore API or accessing other Firebase services to verify that the issue is specific to your application.

  4. Update Firestore SDK Version

    Check the official Firebase documentation for the latest Firestore SDK version and update your application accordingly. Make sure to follow the official installation instructions for your platform.

  5. Enable Firestore Debug Logging

    Enable Firestore debug logging to get more insights into the error. This can help you identify the root cause of the issue. You can enable debug logging using the following code:


Common Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some common scenarios where you might encounter the “Document Not Found” error, along with their solutions:

Scenario Solution

Document exists, but security rules prevent access

Review and update your security rules to allow read access to the document or collection.

Update security rules to allow read access

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /YOUR_COLLECTION/{document} {
      allow read: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == document.uid;

Document doesn’t exist, but you’re certain it does

Verify that the document exists in the Firestore database using the Firebase console or Firebase CLI.

Use the Firebase CLI to verify document existence

firebase firestore:get YOUR_COLLECTION/YOUR_DOCUMENT

Network connection issues prevent document access

Verify that your network connection is stable and working correctly.

Check network connection and retry the request

Check your network connection and retry the request to access the document.


The “Document Not Found” error can be frustrating, especially when you’re certain that the document exists and you have read permissions. By following the troubleshooting steps and scenarios outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying issue. Remember to double-check your document path, security rules, network connection, and Firestore SDK version to ensure that you’re not overlooking a simple mistake.

If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Firebase community or seek help from a certified Firebase developer. With a little patience and persistence, you’ll be able to resolve the “Document Not Found” error and get back to building your amazing application.

Bonus: Firestore Best Practices

To avoid the “Document Not Found” error and other common pitfalls, follow these Firestore best practices:

  • Use meaningful document IDs and collections

    Use descriptive document IDs and collection names to ensure that you can easily identify and access your data.

  • Implement robust security rules

    Use Firestore security rules to control access to your data and ensure that only authorized users can read or write data.

  • Optimize your data structure

    Design a scalable and efficient data structure that minimizes the number of reads and writes to your Firestore database.

  • Monitor and debug your application

    Use Firestore debug logging and other monitoring tools to identify and resolve issues before they impact your users.

By following these best practices and staying vigilant, you’ll be able to build a robust and scalable application that takes full advantage of Firebase’s Firestore capabilities.

Frequently Asked Question

Ever encountered the frustrating “Document not found” error in Firestore despite having read permissions? You’re not alone! Here are some possible reasons and solutions to get you back on track:

Why do I get a “Document not found” error even though I have read permissions?

One possible reason is that the document might not exist in the first place! Double-check if the document ID is correct and if the document actually exists in your Firestore database. Also, make sure you’ve enabled the Firestore read permission for the required role or user.

Could a typo in the document ID be causing the issue?

Absolutely! A single typo in the document ID can lead to this error. Verify that the document ID is correct, including cases and special characters. You can also try logging the document ID before making the read request to ensure it’s accurate.

What if I’ve recently deleted the document? Could that be the cause?

You’re on the right track! If you’ve recently deleted the document, it’s possible that the deletion hasn’t been propagated to all Firestore nodes yet. Try waiting for a short period and then retry the read request. If the issue persists, check the Firestore console to confirm the document’s deletion.

Could security rules be blocking the read request?

Yes, that’s another possibility! Review your Firestore security rules to ensure they’re not accidentally blocking the read request. Check if the rules are correctly configured to allow reads for the specific role or user. You can also test your security rules using the Firestore console.

What if I’ve tried everything and the error still persists?

If you’ve checked all the above possibilities and the issue still persists, it’s time to dig deeper! Enable Firestore debug logging and examine the logs to identify any underlying issues. You can also reach out to the Firebase support team or seek help from the Firebase community for further assistance.