How Should I Separate UseCases Based on the Requirements?
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How Should I Separate UseCases Based on the Requirements?

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Separating Use Cases based on requirements is a crucial step in creating a clear and concise Use Case diagram. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices and guidelines to help you separate Use Cases effectively, ensuring your diagrams are easy to understand and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

What are Use Cases?

Before diving into separating Use Cases, let’s quickly review what they are. A Use Case is a description of a system’s functional requirement from the user’s perspective. It outlines the interactions between the system and the actor (user) to achieve a specific goal. Use Cases help identify the system’s functionality, boundaries, and interactions.

Why Separate Use Cases?

Separating Use Cases is essential to avoid confusion, overlapping functionality, and ensure a clear understanding of the system’s requirements. Here are some reasons why separating Use Cases is crucial:

  • Improved readability: Separating Use Cases makes it easier to understand the system’s functionality and interactions.
  • Reduced complexity: Breaking down Use Cases into smaller, manageable chunks simplifies the system’s complexity.
  • Clear boundaries: Separating Use Cases helps establish clear boundaries between different functional areas of the system.
  • Easy maintenance: Well-separated Use Cases make it easier to maintain and update the system over time.

How to Separate Use Cases

Now that we’ve established the importance of separating Use Cases, let’s dive into the steps to do it effectively:

Step 1: Identify the Actors

The first step in separating Use Cases is to identify the actors involved. Actors are the users or entities that interact with the system. Identify the primary and secondary actors, and their goals. For example:

 Primary Actor: Customer
 Goal: Place an online order
 Secondary Actor: Payment Gateway
 Goal: Process payment

Step 2: Determine the Goals

Once you’ve identified the actors, determine their goals. Goals are the specific objectives the actor wants to achieve. Ask yourself:

  • What does the actor want to accomplish?
  • What is the actor’s desired outcome?

In our example, the customer’s goal is to place an online order, and the payment gateway’s goal is to process payment.

Step 3: Identify the Use Cases

With the actors and goals in mind, identify the Use Cases. A Use Case should:

  • Be initiated by the actor
  • Describe the interaction between the actor and the system
  • Achieve the actor’s goal

In our example, we can identify the following Use Cases:

 Use Case 1: Place Order
  - Description: The customer places an online order
  - Goal: The customer successfully places an order
 Use Case 2: Process Payment
  - Description: The payment gateway processes the payment
  - Goal: The payment is successfully processed

Step 4: Separate Use Cases based on Requirements

Now that we’ve identified the Use Cases, let’s separate them based on the requirements. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Functional Requirements

Separate Use Cases based on functional requirements, such as:

Functional Requirement Use Case(s)
Order Management Place Order, Cancel Order, Update Order
Payment Processing Process Payment, Refund Payment

Non-Functional Requirements

Separate Use Cases based on non-functional requirements, such as:

Non-Functional Requirement Use Case(s)
Security Authenticate User, Authorize Transaction
Performance Optimize Database Queries, Cache Frequently Accessed Data

Actor-Specific Requirements

Separate Use Cases based on actor-specific requirements, such as:

Actor Use Case(s)
Customer Place Order, Track Order, View Order History
Administrator Manage Orders, Update Product Catalog, Generate Reports

Best Practices

When separating Use Cases, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Use a clear and concise naming convention for Use Cases.
  • Avoid overlapping functionality between Use Cases.
  • Keep each Use Case focused on a specific goal or requirement.
  • Use Use Case diagrams to visualize the relationships between Use Cases.
  • Review and refine your Use Cases regularly as the project evolves.


Separating Use Cases based on requirements is a crucial step in creating a clear and concise Use Case diagram. By following the steps and guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Use Cases are well-structured, easy to understand, and effectively communicate the system’s requirements to stakeholders. Remember to identify actors, determine goals, identify Use Cases, separate them based on requirements, and follow best practices to create a robust and maintainable system.

By applying these principles, you’ll be well on your way to creating Use Case diagrams that effectively capture the system’s requirements, making it easier to develop, maintain, and enhance your system over time.

Additional Resources

For further reading and resources on Use Cases and requirements analysis, check out the following:

  • UML for Dummies by Kendall Scott
  • Requirements Engineering: A Good Practice Guide by Ian Sommerville and Pete Sawyer
  • International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) – Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK)

We hope you found this article helpful in understanding how to separate Use Cases based on requirements. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to separate UseCases based on requirements? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out.

Should I separate UseCases based on user roles?

Yes, separating UseCases based on user roles is a great idea! This approach helps to identify the unique needs and goals of each user group, making it easier to design effective solutions. For example, if you’re building a project management tool, you might have different UseCases for team members, project managers, and administrators.

Can I separate UseCases based on business processes?

Absolutely! Separating UseCases based on business processes helps to identify the key activities and tasks involved in each process, making it easier to design solutions that support the business workflow. For instance, if you’re building an e-commerce platform, you might have different UseCases for order placement, inventory management, and shipping.

Should I consider the frequency of use when separating UseCases?

Yes, it’s a good idea to consider the frequency of use when separating UseCases. This approach helps to prioritize the most commonly used features and functionalities, ensuring that the most valuable UseCases receive the necessary attention. For example, if you’re building a mobile app, you might have different UseCases for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

Can I separate UseCases based on the level of complexity?

Yes, you can separate UseCases based on the level of complexity. This approach helps to identify the simplest and most complex UseCases, making it easier to design solutions that cater to different user needs. For instance, if you’re building a software application, you might have different UseCases for simple, moderate, and advanced users.

Is it necessary to separate UseCases based on the system components?

Yes, it’s necessary to separate UseCases based on the system components. This approach helps to identify the underlying system architecture and the interactions between different components, making it easier to design solutions that integrate seamlessly. For example, if you’re building a cloud-based platform, you might have different UseCases for data storage, processing, and retrieval.

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